Your Christmas tree has been nurtured from seeds to fully grown tree – to provide you with the very best.
The Christmas Tree Story:
The Christmas tree seeds are selected from specially managed forrests to sequre we are getting the best quality of grown trees. The trees are nurtured for the next 3-4 years in our nursery.
When our little trees are strong enough they are placed in large plantations where they are growing up over the next 4 – 10 years. Every tree is beeing nurced and cared for severel times a year.
Once they have reached their perfect size our trees are cleaned and securley netted so the have a safe trip to your stall or store.
You choose your perfect Christmas tree for the selection and make it centerpiece of your home for all to enjoy.
To minimize needle drop and evaporation from the needles -stand the tree cold, humid and sheltered – or stand the tree in a bucet of water until required. Remove netting or ties. To dislodge loose foliage and insects shake the tree gently before taking indors.
On the day you are taking the tree indoor you should cut off the bottom 25 mm in a straight cut – so the tree can absorb the water. Choose a position away for heat sources such as radiators and fires. Use a reservoir type tree stand and ensure this is kept topped up with water.
Our cut trees have no root system and they are therefore not suiatable for replanting outdoors.
When Christmas is over the tree goes out again. You can cut the tree branches of and use it for covering roses and sensitive perennials in the garden – or the tree can be recycled as wood chips.
Christmastree needles, foliage and resin may cause skin irritation